The First Dog is a six-month-old Portuguese water dog named Bo.
The dog is a gift from Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts who owns several Portuguese water dogs himself.The name for the dog is a reference to the legendary bluesman Bo Diddley, who died last year.

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If you enjoy going to the beach in summer, strolling the parks, have BBQ on weekends, go sailing, ocassionally go skiing or do outdoor acitivities (hiking, climbing, skiing, riding, canoeing, white water rafting, 4wd-ing) New Zealand's perfect.
Beauty wise - it's similar to Canada but warmer with beaches :-). The north island is cosmopolitan, the south island is really pretty and has lots of natural sceneries. That's where they filmed Lord Of The Rings.
If you're after a layback lifestyle, New Zealand's definetely the place.

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